
English 2

English 2

What is life? In English 2, students learn how the human experience—or in other words, “real life”—is the foundation of the best stories, plays, poems, films, and articles. As they consider their own life experiences and the experiences of others, students are encouraged to seek the abundant life Christ offers. In each module of the course, students explore a specific aspect of the human experience such as laughter, obstacles, fear, and betrayal. Through the study of literature, nonfiction, and life, students explore what it means to be human—what it means to be fulfilled, triumphant, empowered, and transformed.

Throughout these studies, students see that clear and effective communication is important, because God in His very nature is a communicator. Whether reading a poem or a novel, writing a story or an analysis, or studying a Shakespearean tragedy or a modern suspense film, students explore what it means to be human—a subject on which the Life-Giver has much to say!

This course is approved by the NCAA® and the University of California.

When taken as credit recovery, at least one attempt at the full course in either the traditional or online environment is required as a prerequisite. The credit recovery course is not approved by National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA®) as a graduation requirement.


1.0 (Two semesters)

Course Versions

Honors and credit recovery versions also available



Recommended Grade Levels


Required Materials

Equipment: Audio/video recording and listening device

Book(s): Selection of common novels (Students choose from a list of titles.)

The price of this course DOES NOT include the required book(s) listed above. Students are required to borrow or purchase the required title(s).

In addition to a computer with an Internet connection, most courses require speakers (or headphones); a digital camera or scanner to take photos of completed work; a printer; common household items; access to research materials; and productivity software for word processing, presentations, etc.

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