
English 4

English 4

What drives you? English 4 gives students a front-row seat to study the motives that have driven people’s actions for centuries. Along the way students encounter epic heroes defying danger, identify the qualities of a Christian hero, and meet both tormented minds succumbing to the power of greed and ambition and enlightened thinkers striving for individual rights and freedoms. They read of sensitive souls attempting to capture human emotion and determined debaters taking a stand on critical issues. They read to analyze the way language is used to express human motivation and research to examine the results of actions in the real world. Plus, they discover what makes Hebrew poetry in the Old Testament unique. The lessons in each module give students the tools they need to gain insights from what they read and to use their knowledge in creative and analytical writing.

This course is approved by the NCAA® and the University of California.

When taken as credit recovery, at least one attempt at the full course in either the traditional or online environment is required as a prerequisite. The credit recovery course is not approved by National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA®) as a graduation requirement.


1.0 (Two semesters)

Course Versions

Honors and credit recovery versions also available


English 1, 2, and 3

Recommended Grade Levels


Required Materials

Equipment: Audio/video recording and listening device

In addition to a computer with an Internet connection, most courses require speakers (or headphones); a digital camera or scanner to take photos of completed work; a printer; common household items; access to research materials; and productivity software for word processing, presentations, etc.

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