
Health: Life Management Skills

Health: Life Management Skills

Signposts are everywhere in life, sending us in either positive or negative directions. Students follow the signposts in Life Management Skills and learn to use a biblical worldview to develop the skills for healthy, effective, and godly living—to live according to God’s Word and what He expects. Students learn to use important tools for communicating feelings and opinions through a biblical lens. Through the study of real-life issues students are guided into forming healthy attitudes and behaviors that promote personal development, health, and well-being, in order to bring glory to God and experience His pleasure. Other tools provide a foundation for students to become  savvy consumers in a world of advertising and credit cards, and to focus on practices that help protect the world God has created for us. 

*This course provides an option to receive CPR certification for course credit. Students needing this option, which many states require for graduation, are required to make arrangements for this training with local community resources, which often requires a nominal fee.


0.5 (One semester)

Course Versions​

Only available as a regular course



Recommended Grade Levels


Required Materials

In addition to a computer with an Internet connection, most courses require speakers (or headphones); a digital camera or scanner to take photos of completed work; a printer; common household items; access to research materials; and productivity software for word processing, presentations, etc.

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